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1/23/2011 11:39:20 pm

My best wishes for your new journey.

One can only find themselves trough the interaction with others.
It takes time, tears and fears.
It is as disappointing as it is exciting.
But mostly it is finding those loose threads that you can pull out to expose fragment of memory that prove you to be worthy of being who you are.

After all, it is mostly justifying why so many people love you. Even those that might have hurt you in the past.

Best of luck.

3/20/2011 01:05:39 am

Thank you R,
yes, you´re right, it takes time, tears and fears. But this is behind me now...
And I´m happy to have the chance to continue, stronger and happier....

Thank you again R. I really appreciate :D


4/15/2011 01:58:32 am

Hi Christine,

Discovered this link on your profile in Art I love. Thought I'd see where is went to and if you still used it. Thanks for all your comments on my paintings - much appreciated. I've still not got anywhere with the art holiday in France. Trust youi are still growing!


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    Christine Porten

    I was born in France with italien roots! From the age of 18 I travelled a lot in Europe and the rest of the world. So far I lived in France, Germany and Canada and I enjoyed meeting people and experienced their way of living.
    Now at the age of 50, the travelling is back again with children and friends all over the world


    November 2010



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